This year for May 4th, well we started a couple days ago, my wife and I decided to cook several meals from the different Star Wars cookbooks out there (Galaxy's Edge, Wookie Cookies, Darth Malt). So far we have done: Tattooine Twin Sun Toast, Wroshyr Tree Trunk Cake, Pitmaster's Choice Jerky, Darth Maul Dip, Ronto Wraps, Crazy Cantina Chili, Mustafarian Lava Buns, Padme's Pad Thai. Up next we have: Rings of Hudalla, Braised Shaak Roast, Parwan Nutricakes, Dagobah Slug Slinger, Boonta Waffles, Hoth Chocolate, Yoda Soda, Spicy Mandalorian Stew. It has been a lot of fun. Anyone else out there doing anything similar?

Posted by David Damon at 2024-05-04 15:56:19 UTC