Another collectible post coming at you at warp speed! In this post, I present EXO-6 Kolinahr Spock that I received from Sideshow. This is an additional entry in the Star Trek: The Motion Picture collection that had Admiral Kirk of which I made a review a few months back. Again, we have another example of a very strong packaging design. Not only is it side opening and made of sturdier material like a computer part box, the art is beautiful. The art inside on the cover a beautiful shot of the Enterprise as Spock prepared to dock in his science vessel. This design is beautiful as well as keeping the figure well protected. The sculpt of Spock is gorgeous, and I feel it exceeds any entry before, especially of the previous QMX design. His cloak is tailored nicely and the sleeves are beautifully layered. A little futzing and it gives you a lot of definition and motion if you would like even. The star of this show I think is the custom hand sculpt of his hands in the meditative / thinking pose. Leonard Nimoy employed many hand poses to make the character unique and this is captured perfectly with a set of hands already clasped. No need to try to recreate this manually by pressing hands together, and easily attachable to the arms with their great articulation. Additionally you get the Vulcan salute hand and the IDIC pin (I believe from Fansets). All in all, this is a solid release. It won’t be for everyone, but I feel it will be a very sought after figure once the limited release is sold out. I’m very happy for the new wave of Star Trek collectibles provided by EXO-6. Being both a Trek and Wars fan, I am a very happy camper indeed. #SideshowCollectibles #EXO6Collectibles #StarTrek #ToyPhotography #YesSideshow If you liked this post and may be ordering this figure, please use my referral code (if you are feeling charitable):

Posted by Cody R. Solley at 2023-08-22 04:39:12 UTC